Hello and happy Friday! I hope you are all having a great Friday so far, I am cozied up at home for the day because we have been snowed in! We had a huge snow hit yesterday which pretty much shut the whole town down. Thank goodness I had a large stock of hot cocoa and ginger snaps ready! Here are my Friday Favorites from this past week.
Favorite Moment:
This past week we received some wonderful news that my big sister, Samantha, is expecting a little baby girl in July! We are all so excited and I can’t wait until she arrives so I can spoil her and be the cool Aunty!
Favorite Room:
I love all the white with pops of bold colors and gold accents, it makes for a comfortable yet glamorous room!
Favorite Outfit:
It’s hard to imagine warm weather with all this snow but I know spring is just around the corner! I love how this outfit has the perfect mix of bold colors and the floral pattern ties the whole look together!
Favorite Recipe:
The Londoner is one of my favorite lifestyle blogs that follows a girl around her glamorous life in London. Along with posts about five star restaurants, yacht vacations, and her Louboutins are some really great recipe posts including this recipe for baked camembert. Ooey gooey and delicious!
Favorite Laugh:
I kid you not, this really exists. Pizza Hut launched their new perfume scent creatively called, “Pizza Hut.” I suppose it’s a smart marketing tactic plus makes the perfect gag gift. According to what I’ve read by reviewers, it smells nothing like pizza but exactly like cinnamon rolls which I’m sure would make users crave Cinnabon all day!